Our Vision

Awaken to Christ

We celebrate our unique role in the ever-expanding, unfailing Kingdom of God. We see this Kingdom expansion in Columbus—an international hub of world-influencers through business, music, and education—as strategic to reaching the world.

Unfortunately, in recent history, the city has been neglected by the church. We dream of "rebuilding the ancient ruins and restoring the places long devastated" (Isaiah 61:4). Through reaching Columbus, we dream of reaching the world.

Awaken to Community

Through building smaller communities of Christ-followers, we dream of growing more Christ-like through healing, reconciliation, and meaningful outreach.

Awaken to Mission

Through strategic partnerships with schools, compassion ministries, and community organizations, we dream of families falling in love with Jesus, the poor finding hope and freedom in Jesus, and the community finding compassion from the hands and feet of Christ: the church.

Through church planting and missions, we dream of the Kingdom expanding throughout Columbus and around the world.